What Is S.T.E.V.E?


S - Statistical Analysis: Analysing historical data and market patterns to identify an edge and ensure consistent profitability.

T - Tracking: Monitoring movements and changes in the market between the constant fight between buyers and sellers.

E - Evaluation: Assessing the performance and effectiveness of trading strategies based on statistical data.

V - Value: The value gained from the statistics pack will give you the information needed to navigate the financial markets and optimise your trading results.

E- Expert: Using the data gathered by S.TE.V.E you will be able to trade like an expert without having to put in the hundreds of hours backtesting and gathering statistics.

S.T.E.V.E is our very own statistical analysis package for consumers to use, advance and aid their trading skills and knowledge. our team at Frew Gall Trading has done all the hard work for you by collecting data on foreign exchange pairs, stocks, commodities and crypto currencies. our product will save you hundreds of hours of manual data collection and take out the human error making your trading more efficient and accurate. S.T.E.V.E is targeting at the whole trading community, from the absolute beginner who can take the data and attached tested strategy to start their profitable journey up to an advanced/experienced trader who can save their valuable time and spend is using the data provided in their own strategies.